Thursday, January 10, 2008

What’s YOUR Piece 4 Peace Look Like?

As we prepare for the first CM1111 World Peace Project event, I invite you to consider sharing how you are personally doing your Piece 4 Peace today/tomorrow.

Poems, prayers, journal entries, affirmations, photographs of your gathering or personal sacred space…anything you’d like to share with us is most welcomed. Merging our collective energies and inspiring one another is what this is all about!

May all of our efforts, which are as unique as every one of us, synergistically combine to create something more beautiful than we ever thought possible.

With gratitude to all you peace-loving people!


Below is a picture of the tree where I received the guidance to start this group. Some of you locals may recognize it as the large oak tree on the St. Joseph’s Abbey Retreat Grounds in Covington, LA. A wonderful soul will be on site holding the energy for us there at 11:11am CST. I was very excited when I received her email earlier today! As I post this photo that my friend just forwarded me, I see something that I have never noticed in the six years I've been visiting this retreat center -- the large metal poles which are helping support its heavy boughs look from a distance like 11 11 11.

And this CM1111 Project obviously isn’t just for humans! This meditation spot is a favorite of my feline friend where she regularly likes to contemplate a mosaic art piece called "Chakra Universe."

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