Monday, January 14, 2008

Dedicated in Memory of Amber, the 11 Angel

Sitting at the center of the Labyrinth on 01.11.08, I started chatting with one of our participants after I asked if I could take her picture. “Looking peaceful,” she commented as I snapped the photo.

She remarked with surprise that my tiny point and shoot camera was the one taking the pictures posted on the site. “The only reason I decided to read your blog was because of the detailed photo of the Labyrinth.” She continued, “Yesterday I called a friend of mine who I knew was having a hard time. As I read (The Space Between blog entry) to her, she started bawling by the end of it.”

She relayed her friend’s explanation of her rise in emotions. “My daughter always speaks to me in elevens, and today is the anniversary of her death. Amber was speaking to me through this writing!”

While focusing on peace today at 11:11am, we all met where these paths cross at the space between.

This first CM1111 Event is dedicated in memory of Amber, the 11 Angel. May you rest in peace.

PJs and PJ’s

“Grrrrllll,” my friend said yesterday when he phoned me from a local coffee shop in New Orleans called PJ’s, “you can get it all done with a cup of tea, sitting in your pajamas at your house!” I readily laughed because that is exactly how this CM1111 Project has come to be in existence.

We discussed how technology has evolved to bring communities together, making it easier for like-minded folks to find each other. Yes we still put up flyers on bulletin boards at coffee shops and make phone calls to our lists, but the internet has become such a vital tool. The ease of spreading the word allows it to go further faster with just a few strokes on the keyboard.

I thank all of you for taking that extra minute out of your day to forward this information on to those you think might be interested. Together we can, and I truly believe will, bring about world peace with the click of a button and of course, focused intent and action.

As someone commented earlier today, “I don’t even need to leave my house; I just need to have the intention and commitment.” Know that you, too, can easily start doing your piece for peace…even in your PJs.

Yoga for Peace: The Yogic CM1111 Challenge

One local yoga teacher who was present at our gathering in New Orleans has already taken the Yogic CM1111 Challenge. Will you and your yoga students join her in helping spread peace on the 11th day of every month?

Let me begin by saying that to me a challenge is not a competition, but rather a way to encourage oneself to go deeper or higher and to push beyond one’s normal limitations. Rather than acting as a divisive measure, a challenge can bring people together in a united effort to do more than they would individually. This yogic challenge is a win-win situation for all involved.

When I was around nine years old my Grandmother used to do fundraising for a non-profit organization. I remember her pulling me before the cameras with her and putting out a challenge to all the other grandmothers out there who were watching the telecast. She pledged a certain amount of money in my honor, and challenged them to match her. The donations from other grandmothers around the country started pouring in almost immediately! The challenge connected these women on a level which they understood so personally, bringing them together to unite on a common goal.

This is why I challenge the yoga community to join CM1111 and other yoga teachers around the country to set aside a special time for focusing on world peace through their practices.

My idea is that a special Yoga for Peace class could be scheduled for the 11th day of every month. Starting at 10:30am and ending at 11:30am would give enough time for everyone to have their usual yoga practice while getting the brain and heart in alignment with the peace mission.

Then just before 11:11am the yogis and yoginis would enter into a meditation pose (corpse or seated) they would hold for however long with the focus on peace. Perhaps “Om Shanti” could be playing in the background or everyone could be chanting this together. Whatever feels right for you and your particular class works great. In this way people would be uniting their intentions and spreading peace to the world while doing something that brings them solace and inner peace.

If you're a yoga student who would like Yoga for Peace classes to happen in your area, please contact your local studio(s) to see if they'll join in the Yogic CM1111 Challenge. If you're a yoga teacher or studio interested in participating, please use the comment link below to add your contact information to this entry.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Critical Mass Defined: We’re on the Edge!

When someone asked me the other night if I knew what critical mass was, I stated something similar to the definitions below.

The online Encarta Dictionary defines it as:

crit·i·cal mass (noun)

  1. point of change
    a point or situation at which change occurs
    * Support for the measure has reached critical mass.
  2. necessary size or amount
    the size or amount of something that is required before an activity or event can take place.
    * For our world vision of peace to be attained, enough people must join together in a critical mass.

If you break the word down, critical is defined as:

  1. crucial
    extremely important because of being or happening at a time of special difficulty, trouble or danger, when matters could quickly get either worse or better
  2. essential
    absolutely necessary for the success of something
  3. undergoing change
    relating to a property of a system that is undergoing a sudden change

and mass is defined as:

  1. collection
    a collection of many individual parts
  2. great unspecified quantity
    a large but unspecified number or quantity
  3. major part
    the greater part or majority
  4. collect (verb)
    to be gathered in a mass

I gave an example of the well-known Critical Mass bicycle rides. The unified effort started in San Francisco in the 1990’s and has spread across the nation. I explained that my vision was more of a spiritual nature as we join together, either privately or with a group, to focus on world peace.

He, in turn, gave me a physics definition -- something along the lines of when atoms build up enough they begin to reach the tipping point. “And when you reach that point,” he said, “you’re on the edge!” I agreed saying, “We’re approaching that edge, and we need others to join us.” He responded, “I’ll be thinking peace at 11:11 with you.” His co-worker, the one who was into things exploding (see blog entry "Synchronicities Abound"), smiled behind him.

Thanks, guys, for doing your piece for peace! You’re helping push our numbers to the edge of something really wonderful.

Do You Have Any of These Symptoms? I Hope So...

The Symptoms of Inner Peace

A tendency to think and act spontaneously, rather than from fears based on past experiences;

An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment;

A loss of interest in judging others;

A loss of interest in conflict;

A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others;

A loss of ability to worry;

Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation;

Contented feelings of connectedness with others and with nature;

Frequent attacks of smiling through the heart;

Increasing susceptibility to love extended by others, as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it;

An increasing tendency to let things happen, rather than to manipulate them and make them happen.

Thanks to MLS for sharing this with our group! She read this as we gathered in a circle at the center of the Labyrinth, setting our intentions as 11:11am approached. A wonderful piece that kept us all smiling.

Sticking Your Neck Out for Peace

A few days before the first event, I decided to visit the Labyrinth in preparation. On my way there, I was stopped in my tracks. Even though I knew that the zoo is right there, I didn’t expect to see them. The giraffes were out!

I admired them and their gracefulness, their diligence in reaching that higher branch which still had something on it that they wished to attain. And that’s when it hit me – they were not afraid to stick their necks out! In fact, they couldn’t help themselves. Those long, beautiful necks were their means for reaching up, constantly striving for what is above and beyond.

They inspired me to stick my own neck out -- to move forward fully with this CM1111 vision by continuing to speak my truth. Encouraged, I set intention for the project while walking the labyrinth that day. In my mind’s eye I saw the coming together of many, many people. Thank you for being a part of that vision. Let's stick our necks out together for peace!


I just looked up the animal totem explanation for giraffes – and the first site whose explanation came up perfectly fits my experience! An excerpt from is below. For more information on animal totems and their gifts, visit their site or google the name of your animal with the word totem.

“The giraffes’ strength and flexibility shows us how to gain control of our physical bodies while expanding our mental and spiritual faculties.

With their heads towering high in the sky and their feet firmly planted on the ground, they serve as links between the higher and lower worlds.

What we think and what we feel on a heart level need to be aligned in order for this medicine to benefit us.

Its flexible neck allows it to see what's behind it, alongside it and in front of it. This gives the giraffe the ability to know the future and understand the past while walking in the present moment. It holds the teachings of clear sight and can be a powerful ally for those with this totem.

They are quiet animals making little noise except for an occasional bleat. This silence is a great teaching for those with this medicine. The giraffes’ lack of vocal communication suggests that we follow suit. Words often distract us from silent reflection. Learning to balance one’s speech with quietude is important.

Although the head of the giraffe appears dainty, its three horns give it the ability to strike a nasty blow. One of its horns is somewhat hidden located under the skin just above its eyes. This placement is similar to that of the third eye in man and reminds those with this medicine to honor their visionary abilities.

The giraffe teaches us how to increase our perceptions by viewing life from all angles. When we look up, forwards, sideways and down the past, present and future is known. A wonderful totem to have, the giraffe is a bearer of many gifts.”

So thanks, Giraffes, for showing up at the perfect moment! Their divine timing, along with everyone else who has been called to support this project, inspires me to continue sticking my neck out to reach for something higher. And that something is world peace.

When one puts forth positive effort, others will join…as seen in all aspects of the animal kingdom.