Sunday, February 10, 2008

Peace Be with You, Grandma

I would like to dedicate this
Second CM1111 Event to my
Grandma Herminie. She just
passed on February 2nd, 2008.
She had recently turned 89.

After the tears and the funeral,
our family shared many hours
pouring over old photographs
and reliving her life. Most of it
was unknown to me, and I feel
very blessed to have been able
to be there in person this week.

One of my favorite things that
came out of Thursday's events
was that the family thought I
should have a piece of her
jewelry...a small silver and white
charm with the word PEACE in
bold, capital letters.

There could not have been a
more appropriate piece! I will
wear it with pride and in honor
of her, my peace lovin' Grandma.

Even though I was not able to
have a verbal two-way conversation
during my last visit on January
29th, I shared with her about our
first CM1111 event. I'm sure she
liked the idea and will be with us
today as we unite together to focus
on inner and outer peace.

May peace be with all of you...
and on this day, especially with you, Grandma!

2nd CM1111 Event ~ Tomorrow Monday, February 11th

We look forward to having all of you join us,
whether in person or in spirit tomorrow at
11:11am, no matter where in the world you are!

By setting a united intention at the same time,
our collective energies will merge together to
synergistically focus on world peace. At 11:11
peace will move like a wave, from one time zone
to another, throughout the world.

Rather than being against something, this
project is for something – and it’s all about peace.
Peace within our selves, our communities, our
nations and ultimately the entire world.

There’s no right or wrong way to participate!
By solitarily thinking “peace” for even
just one second at 11:11am on the 11th or
gathering with a group of friends/colleagues,
you’ll be joining with hopefully hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of others who are beginning to participate
in our new peace project.

Do Your Piece 4 Peace!
Arrive around 10:45am at the Labyrinth in
Audubon Park, Uptown New Orleans
Create your own group in your area
Take a moment of silence during your busy day

For every action there is a postive reaction.
Let us choose to give, and therefore receive,