Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Art of Manifesting

In order to manifest something, we need to be very specific with our intention of what we want to create in our lives. When we can clearly see it in our mind’s eye and be grateful for it as if it has already occurred, only then can – and will – it manifest!

By putting out our requests or prayers to the Universe/Source/Spirit/God/Goddess/Jesus/Yahweh/Buddha or who/whatever your version of the Divine is we are stating with intention, trust and belief that peace is real and attainable. That it is here within each of our hearts, even if only for a fleeting moment, and that it can be accomplished by all.

When we experience these moments of peace over and over again, it begins to forge a deeper path into our brains, hearts, spirits and collective consciousness. Like a river running over solid ground, the mud beneath will begin to give way. As these peaceful rivers continue to rush forth, something even more beautiful than the Grand Canyon will be carved within each of our souls. As any unwanted sediment and sludge is carried away, our true inner beauty will be revealed.

So rather than approaching 11:11am on the 11th (or any time of any day for that matter) with thoughts of what we DON’T want in our world (war, poverty, hunger, sadness, anger, violence, etc.) let us instead focus on what we DO want (peace, harmony, unconditional love, unity, etc.).

Let us truly come from a place of peace within our hearts and spread that love and energy to the rest of the world. Happy manifesting!

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