Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It's 11:11 -- Make a Wish!

Although I do not remember my age at the time or the wise soul who told me, “Look! It’s 11:11. Make a wish!” I do know that I was very young and loved the idea. Ever since then, every time I noticed that special configuration on the clocks or elsewhere, I would smile and make my wish. As I’ve progressed on this journey of life, my wishes began to extend beyond my immediate wants and gratifications of childhood. They have (mostly) matured into a more worldly, all-inclusive wish. And that, my friends, my fellow advocates for peace, is what we’re all united by today – my wish, your wish, our collective wish for world peace.


Earlier today, as I was working on one of my therapeutic massage clients, I had my eyes closed as I often do. As I gently pulled the energy up and out of her neck towards the occiput (which, according to some modalities, happens to be the seat of manifestation), I half-opened my eyes to check on the time. And it probably won’t surprise you to know that it was exactly 11:11am! I smiled to myself and wished for her exquisite peace and blessings for all of her wishes and dreams to come true. I also made a wish for the Fed Ex delivery I was expecting (I had some Critical Mass 11:11 bumper stickers made -- see photo below) to wait until 10 minutes after we finished our session. The fruiton of my wish happened at exactly 11:22am. I can only hope hers will be as immediate.

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