Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Powerful Thoughts on Peace

In preparation for our upcoming 4th CM1111 Event at the end of this week, I was looking for some external inspiration this morning. I happened to run across my Power Thought Cards by Louise Hay.

I set my intention and specifically pulled a
card for each of the following.

The quote is from one side of the card and the paragraph is from the other side for deeper meaning/further meditation. These are followed by my personal interpretations.



"As I say yes to life, Life says YES to me!"

Life mirrors my every thought.
As I keep my thoughts positive,
life brings to me only good experiences.

-- This reminds me of a part of the movie called The Moses Code that I had the pleasure of viewing this past weekend (see next blog entry for details). The speakers were explaining how when we say YES that things really start to happen! Getting the thought that we are not good enough, that we don't have enough money to get something started, that we don't the time, etc etc -- these are all just excuses to keep us from stepping up to the plate and doing something, that something which spoke to our soul.

Dr. Michael Beckwith stated that when he got the inspiration to say yes, he was not in the same place he is now...but he did it anyway. And when he said yes, the Universe said yes, too! It provided the right people, money, buildings, opportunities, etc. Through this process of trusting and believing that everything would be provided, it was and it allowed him to personally evolve so that he could help others.

The movie was a wonderful source of inspiration I hope you all have a chance to enjoy. Check out for more information.


"The past is over."

This is a new day, one that I have never lived before.
I stay in the Now and enjoy each and every moment.

-- What a wonderful for message for all of us! Even though I am feeling that my life is becoming more and more in the flow, there are very often bumps in the road that can start to slow me down or tend to divert my path. By embracing every day as a new day, I give myself permission to reinvent myself and create my own reality in each and every moment.

This can build on my personal message of keeping my thoughts positive and it will have a rippling effect to others. For those of us going through challenges right now, it reminds us that this, too, will pass. The past is the past, yet we can be grateful for it has made us who we are today!


"I am willing to change."

I am willing to release old, negative beliefs.
They are only thoughts that stand in my way.
My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling.

-- Since Hurricane Katrina, I have found that the overall vibe in the city of New Orleans is different. Despite the devastation and countless tragedies that occurred, there is a tangible sense of the human spirit which connects us all.

People began truly helping one another and a sense of community has emerged greater than ever before. We were drastically and dramatically forced into change, and through it all that change is becoming more and more positive.

Please note: I am not saying there are no longer challenges to overcome which seem overwhelming and hopeless at times; rather, I cannot help but feel a commonality uniting the general population where before there were large(r) divisions. There is still a lot of change which needs to take place, yet I believe it has the hearts and minds of its residents.



"Every thought I think is creating my future."

The Universe totally supports every thought I choose to think and believe.
I have unlimited choices about what I think.
I choose balance, harmony and peace, and I express it in my life.

-- When we each choose to think and be peace, there will be peace in our world! Thank you all for your continued support for a more peaceful planet.

I look forward to connecting with all of you this Friday, April 11th at 11:11am!

Namaste, my friends.

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