Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Moses Code: Inspirational Movie & World Peace Vigil

If you are interested in personal and planetary spiritual evolution, be sure to join James Tyman, Debbie Ford, Neale Donald Walsch, Iyanla Vanzant, Michael Beckwith and many others by watching this unique and touching film.

Check out for more details.

The authors, speakers, teachers and spiritual activists who were interviewed for this film were very insightful and inspirational.

The Moses Code Website invited us to...
Join millions of people from every corner of the globe in activating a 3500 year old technology that has been banned since the time of Moses. Then on April 6th, we will activate the Code and focus it on the Middle East.

For the first time a major spiritual film is being combined with a worldwide prayer vigil focused on shifting the planetary consciousness. There will be over 1000 gatherings that weekend, and you could help sponsor one in your town.

** Even though this event happened this past weekend, you can still view the movie online via video stream from their website and/or purchase the DVD and book.

An Update from The Moses Code Website About the April 6th Event:
Hundreds of thousands of people joined together for a "virtual hug" Peace Vigil of Jerusalem on April 6th, using the Moses Code to awaken the destiny of the "City of Peace."

Where do we go from here? Our intention is to continue the momentum of this vigil and build a group of committed spiritual peacemakers for others projects and prayer vigils. You can help us by keeping attuned and spreading the word. We hope you'll consider joining our email list so we can contact you, along with thousands of others, at a moment's notice to participate in using the most powerful manifestation tool in history. Together we can realize our own destiny of creating a world based upon the laws of compassion and peace.

You can download or listen to the vigil meditation used on April 6th by clicking the links on their website. If it's anything like my movie viewing experience, I hope you will feel the same power of intention that each of us felt Friday evening.

A personal, special thanks to Robin Cunningham Myers of Wholistic Alternatives who sponsored the local viewing of this film in Baton Rouge, LA!

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