Friday, January 11, 2008

A World of Thanks on 01.11.08

Words cannot begin to express my heartfelt thanks
to each and every one of you for contributing
to CM1111's first world peace project!
Thank you









Please send us quotes, poems, pictures, etc about how

you did your piece for peace today! You can comment

directly on the blog or email us at directly at

11 Participants at the First CM1111 Gathering

~The Labyrinth @ Audubon Park, New Orleans, LA~

This piece by Pierre Teillard de Chardin was shared by MLS:

The day will come
When after harnessing the winds,
The tides
And gravitation,

We shall harness for God the
Energies of love.
And on that day, for the
Second time in the history of the world,
Man will have discovered

More details, photos and comments on today's event coming soon.

Word for the Day: Compassion

This morning I awake, as usual, to find my word (or more typically quote) for the day in my inbox. Its message is so pertinent to my day ahead, especially after the resistance I encountered last night...

Friday, Jan. 11, 2008

You must not hate those who do wrong or harmful things; but with compassion, you must do what you can to stop them — for they are harming themselves, as well as those who suffer from their actions.
-- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

This quote reminds me to approach this day, and every day, with a focus on what I want rather than what I do not. May peace and compassion fill all of our hearts as we shine that light forth into every direction.

Check out

It's Almost 11:11am on January 11th Somewhere in the World Right Now

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Synchronicities Abound

The last 24 hours have been very interesting. The synchronicities which are occurring for myself and my friends, the excitement I hear in someone’s voice as she tells me she has chills covering her body as I’m explaining the CM1111 concept and the outward signs I’m getting are truly amazing.

They started last night when I was eating dinner with one of my dearest friends. We were discussing the project since she did not have a chance to get online and check out the blog just yet. In her wonderfully supportive way, she donated $3 to me for one of the bumper stickers. Then I gave $2 right back because we split an appetizer. I jokingly commented I should frame the remaining dollar for the CM1111 project, like a restaurant does when they open their doors. We started laughing, but as I looked closer at the bill my mouth dropped open. I had to do the math twice to be sure...

Not only were there four ones in the corner of the bill like every dollar, there were also four 11s on the inside corners (the others in our wallets had 12s and only one other had an 11), the K in the serial number is the 11th letter of the alphabet AND the serial number added up to 29 which, in numerology, is 11. WOW!


As I drove down a residential street to avoid rush hour traffic tonight, I was recalling a website I came across the other day. The man was interested in 11’s, too. He showed a picture of his house which he had just realized, after all this time, had four posts that looked like 1111. As I was hoping to catch a glimpse of some 11 posts as I drove down this new street, look what was shining before me at the intersection!


What has also surprised me are the polar opposite reactions I’m getting from a few people tonight. “Oh, no, I don’t want to participate," said the Office Max worker. He added with a smile, "I like when things get blown up!" I know he was mostly kidding (I hope), yet another I encountered tonight really played devil's advocate for a good 45 minutes. “World Peace? I don’t believe in it,” he said while shaking his head. As I listened to his stories and mini history lessons, I found myself smiling. In the past so many buttons would have been pushed I would have rocketed into outer space, yet tonight I smiled and thanked him for his opinion. Even though it was almost exactly opposite of mine, we did finally find common ground. His tone softened up as he said, "You know, I really would like for there to be peace in this world as my new baby granddaughter grows up." At that moment, after all the healthy debate about war and the human condition, I saw a spark light up in his heart -- he loves that little girl so much and wants the best for her. That is the very light I see being ignited within all of us as we participate in CM1111 and other peace projects. He still challenged me, though, as I bid him farewell for the evening. “So what do you really think you can do for world peace?” I smiled as I walked out the door saying, “I’m doing it right now.”

As I continued my errands I marveled at how rapidly this has all come together and actually began to wonder if I could do anything for world peace. I had always been an activist in one way or another for most of my life, yet in the last few years I let that take a backseat. Was I really supposed to be doing this now? Will others actually support the project? For all the visitors we’ve had to the site only 19 said they’re participating. Can little me in New Orleans really make a difference in this big world? The doubt crept in as these questions raced through my mind.

And at that exact moment, stopped before me at a red light (which I was only approaching now because I missed my turn while I was deep in thought), was my answer:

The license plate read "NOW 515" and in numerology, 5+1+5=11.

I smiled with renewed confidence and felt reconnected as I turned to continue on my new path, slightly altered from the direction I had originally planned yet very worthy of the detour. Unbeknownst to him, the messenger in the red car sped away in the opposite direction.

What’s YOUR Piece 4 Peace Look Like?

As we prepare for the first CM1111 World Peace Project event, I invite you to consider sharing how you are personally doing your Piece 4 Peace today/tomorrow.

Poems, prayers, journal entries, affirmations, photographs of your gathering or personal sacred space…anything you’d like to share with us is most welcomed. Merging our collective energies and inspiring one another is what this is all about!

May all of our efforts, which are as unique as every one of us, synergistically combine to create something more beautiful than we ever thought possible.

With gratitude to all you peace-loving people!


Below is a picture of the tree where I received the guidance to start this group. Some of you locals may recognize it as the large oak tree on the St. Joseph’s Abbey Retreat Grounds in Covington, LA. A wonderful soul will be on site holding the energy for us there at 11:11am CST. I was very excited when I received her email earlier today! As I post this photo that my friend just forwarded me, I see something that I have never noticed in the six years I've been visiting this retreat center -- the large metal poles which are helping support its heavy boughs look from a distance like 11 11 11.

And this CM1111 Project obviously isn’t just for humans! This meditation spot is a favorite of my feline friend where she regularly likes to contemplate a mosaic art piece called "Chakra Universe."

200 Strong and Counting

Just an hour shy of our three day mark,
we've had our 218th visitor tonight.

That means within the last 24 hours
exactly 100 new people have visited
the blog, with 4 of you from 4 new countries!

Let's keep spreading the peace across the planet.
Thanks for all of your support.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Art of Manifesting

In order to manifest something, we need to be very specific with our intention of what we want to create in our lives. When we can clearly see it in our mind’s eye and be grateful for it as if it has already occurred, only then can – and will – it manifest!

By putting out our requests or prayers to the Universe/Source/Spirit/God/Goddess/Jesus/Yahweh/Buddha or who/whatever your version of the Divine is we are stating with intention, trust and belief that peace is real and attainable. That it is here within each of our hearts, even if only for a fleeting moment, and that it can be accomplished by all.

When we experience these moments of peace over and over again, it begins to forge a deeper path into our brains, hearts, spirits and collective consciousness. Like a river running over solid ground, the mud beneath will begin to give way. As these peaceful rivers continue to rush forth, something even more beautiful than the Grand Canyon will be carved within each of our souls. As any unwanted sediment and sludge is carried away, our true inner beauty will be revealed.

So rather than approaching 11:11am on the 11th (or any time of any day for that matter) with thoughts of what we DON’T want in our world (war, poverty, hunger, sadness, anger, violence, etc.) let us instead focus on what we DO want (peace, harmony, unconditional love, unity, etc.).

Let us truly come from a place of peace within our hearts and spread that love and energy to the rest of the world. Happy manifesting!

Peace Is Flowing Like A...Wave?!

“Your effort would create more of a rolling wave,” commented DJ Arth Mawr earlier today (see full comment listed under “How to Participate in CM1111” as well as for a link to their group).

As the visitor so thoughtfully suggested,If each group could sustain the effort for at least one hour then the light would be passed gently around the world for a full 24 hours. Wonderful!”

Wonderful indeed! A great concept that I hadn’t put together yet.
Thanks for the insight.

The Space Between

It is often when we stop, when we pause, when we become still and quiet, when we take that moment between inhale and exhale that it happens. We tap into the Oneness and become one with it, with everything, with everyone.

This is where true peace resides.

I have chosen the Labyrinth at Audubon Park for the New Orleans gathering because it so profoundly holds this space of Oneness, that of compassion and unity. Thanks to a dear friend who was vital in getting this particular Labyrinth constructed, I have been using this walking meditation as a healing tool in my life for a handful of years now.

On its path one cannot get lost; one can only find his- or herself along the way. And often, very often, it is during my pause along its path to take a deep breath and reflect upon my rising thoughts, watch a bird in flight overhead or step aside to let another pass that the changes begin to occur within.

This is the main reason that I love walking the labyrinth. It doesn’t care what your spiritual or religious beliefs are, what language you speak or the color of your skin, educational level or sexual orientation. It is open, receptive, inviting, accepting and healing.

The labyrinth invites us all to walk its path because it is our individual path and however we approach it, we are never wrong. It is our personal journey and no one else’s, yet it unites us all at the very core -- human and spiritual -- as we tap into the beauty of its Oneness.

I invite you to
join me on the
11th day of
every month!

No matter where
in the world you are,
know that our paths
will cross here...
at the space between.

It's 11:11 -- Make a Wish!

Although I do not remember my age at the time or the wise soul who told me, “Look! It’s 11:11. Make a wish!” I do know that I was very young and loved the idea. Ever since then, every time I noticed that special configuration on the clocks or elsewhere, I would smile and make my wish. As I’ve progressed on this journey of life, my wishes began to extend beyond my immediate wants and gratifications of childhood. They have (mostly) matured into a more worldly, all-inclusive wish. And that, my friends, my fellow advocates for peace, is what we’re all united by today – my wish, your wish, our collective wish for world peace.


Earlier today, as I was working on one of my therapeutic massage clients, I had my eyes closed as I often do. As I gently pulled the energy up and out of her neck towards the occiput (which, according to some modalities, happens to be the seat of manifestation), I half-opened my eyes to check on the time. And it probably won’t surprise you to know that it was exactly 11:11am! I smiled to myself and wished for her exquisite peace and blessings for all of her wishes and dreams to come true. I also made a wish for the Fed Ex delivery I was expecting (I had some Critical Mass 11:11 bumper stickers made -- see photo below) to wait until 10 minutes after we finished our session. The fruiton of my wish happened at exactly 11:22am. I can only hope hers will be as immediate.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Thanks for Spreading the Word!

Within just 36 hours of launching this
blog, we have already expanded to 5
countries and reached our 100th visitor!

Thanks to everyone who has visited and
welcome to those who are yet to log on.

May this message of peace reach far and wide,
uniting people of all religions/belief systems
who know that collectively there can -- and
will -- be peace on this planet.

With gratitude for making this vision a reality,

Survey Says...?

We're curious about how many people are
planning to participate on 01/11/08.

Please answer the surveys located
underneath the city counter. Thanks!

Monday, January 07, 2008

I'm an Advocate for Peace! Count Me In on 01/11/08

Join our list of "peaceful warriors" who will be participating
in the first Critical Mass 11:11 event on Friday, January 11th.

To sign the list, click the comment box on this blog entry.
* Your name (real, initials, nickname or anonymous)
* Your city/state/country
* Other details

If you're initiating a gathering in your area, please
make a note of that in your entry. If you would like
others to reach you, include your contact info such
as name, phone number and/or email address here.

Create a Local Group!

We must be the change we wish to see in the world.
-- Gandhi

If you feel called to initiate the creation of a Critical Mass 11:11 Group
in your area, please leave a comment with the following information:

Location of Gathering (address, city, state, zip, country)
Meeting Time
Time Zone
(optional) Contact Name, Phone and/or Email Address

Once your information is received, it will be posted on
our blog so that others may join you for the first gathering
taking place this Friday, January 11, 2008.

If you are uncertain that you are able to commit to
organizing future gatherings in your area, it would
be wonderful if you are able to get the peace ball rolling!

Once the first event occurs and more people join in,
there will be others who will step up to volunteer
in organizing your local event.

After your event has taken place in your time zone,
please log in and give everyone an update. Stats, stories
and pictures are most welcomed!

Thanks so much for joining us and helping to spread
the word about this peace project!

Gathering in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Friday, January 11th
In the New Orleans area, we will be meeting at the Labyrinth in Audubon Park (near the zoo and the Tree of Life) at 10:45am CST. This area is next to the horse stables off Magazine Street, headed towards the Mississippi River in Uptown New Orleans.

Critical Mass 11:11 Dates for 2008


Friday, January 11
Monday, February 11
Tuesday, March 11
Friday, April 11
Sunday, May 11 (Mother's Day)
Wednesday, June 11
Friday, July 11
Monday, August 11
Thursday, September 11 (Remembrance of 9/11)
Saturday, October 11
Thursday, December 11

How to Participate in Critical Mass 11:11

Some basic ideas for participating in Critical Mass 11:11 ~~ Do Your Piece 4 Peace!

1. On the 11th day of every month at 11:11am in our own time zones we will collectively do our piece for world peace. In your own way, either privately or with a group, connect with what makes you feel peaceful -- meditatation, prayer, chanting, being silent, walking the labyrinth, yoga, gardening, singing, etc. while holding a focus on PEACE. If someone is not able to attend a gathering in person, they will still meditate at 11:11am wherever they are and energetically tap into the energy. The time 11:11 has been chosen because eleven is considered a very spiritual and powerful number.

2. The group will gather whever they can, ideally in nature or at a sacred place -- perhaps a labyrinth, garden, temple, etc. around 10:45am. This will give everyone time to settle in and reach a deep meditative state by 11:11am.

3. During the meditation the focus will be on PEACE: inner peace, non-violence, world peace, community, unity, we are all one, etc. At 11:11am everyone will intently focus on spreading their peaceful, inner light out to the rest of the world for 11 minutes. Here the glowing network of peace will connect and spread among us, no matter where we are located in the world.

4. The group will be open to any and every one who is interested in PEACE. Everyone has a unique perspective and all are welcome. Remember, this is about peace and peaceful interactions with others!

5. Spreading the word about this group to your friends in all cities, states and countries will help us achieve a critical mass needed to raise the love vibration of the planet. Please forward this blog on to others who might be interested in participating.

6. If you would like to participate, please add your name and location to our growing list (anonymously if you prefer)! If you would like to begin organizing a group in your area, you may use our blog to list the gathering place specifics as well as create a link on your website or personal blog.

7. After your gathering please post the stats on this blog site: number of participants (in person and absentee), significant insights, synchronicities and any other feedback you'd like to share.

A Collective Call for Peace in 2008

Hello and thank you for visiting Critical Mass 11:11.

Last week while I was attending a New Year's Eve retreat
in Southeast Louisiana I sat beneath a very large, old and
wise oak tree. It was there that I was guided to start this group!

The concept is very simple, yet I feel it will have a very profound
impact as more and more individuals join, reaching a critical mass.

As Osho stated so profoundly:
"Only when there are many people who are
pools of peace, silence, understanding,
will war disappear."

During my meditation I witnessed that each one of us has a bright light
within. When we focus our awareness on peace, love and happiness
our light begins to shine even brighter.

Its brillance begins to envelop our very being. It grows
brighter and stronger with every peaceful thought and by
practicing acts of loving kindness towards ourselves and others.

As we interact with other souls, our light adds to theirs. Sparking
and feeding off one another, an interconnected, glowing network
is created. Together it has a wider-reaching, synergistic effect.

As I was surrounded by 30 like-minded people bringing in this
new year with grounded intention and peaceful thoughts,
I could feel our group's network growing stronger each day.

During meditation I kept seeing this network extending beyond
our retreat group, reaching out to the corners of each of our
individual lives. The glowing network of peace emminated from
each of our heart spaces and touched everyone we met throughout
our daily activities.

The rapid pace at which this peace spread was fascinating and thrilling.
The more people we each interacted with, the wider our circle of influence
became. I saw the energy spreading through our neighborhood, to surrounding
neighborhoods, to the entire city, then the state, the region, the country and
ultimately the world. The Earth was glowing under a web of peace!

There are no longer 6 degrees of separation! We are all connected.
By focusing on peace within ourselves, the world will become more peaceful.
Would you like to join other like-minded people in making 2008 a more peaceful year?

I look forward to hearing from all of you soon.

Om Shanti!